Friday, September 30, 2005

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I bind myself to the life I chose

Now my goal will no longer seek to please me but to please whom I choose

God's intention for marriage partners is that they are allies - close friends, lovers, warriors in the war against spiritual forces of evil. To fight, we have to draw strength, courage and the food very person who, as the deeper, supporting us and we accompanies the fight - our soul mate for life.
Marriage is more than just a convention to overcome loneliness or a practical arrangement to perpetuate the race. First and finally, marriage is a mirror of the relationship between the human and the divine. Each couple is called to represent God in his perfect relationship with himself - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - as well as in his relationship with his people.
Marriage has a dual purpose: to reveal the glory of God and enhance one's spouse. If I / take it as the wearer (is) the image of God and devote myself to the development of its beauty, its glory, so to achieve the glory of God.
Marriage becomes a great adventure, a discovery continues, both self-and spouse, a daily opportunity to broaden their horizons, learn something new in life, the man of God . That is why God says: "It is not good that man should be alone." Human beings need community, it needs a partner, a true encounter, he needs to understand others and feel understood by others.
It is the intention of God in establishing the marriage. Only man tramples and freezes. In the confrontation demanding marriage, he constantly has to overcome itself, evolve, grow. When marriage is reduced to an association, even peaceful, two alien beings to one another, it misses its target. They fail in their destiny of man and woman. Include the spouse renounce, abandon it to understand oneself, to grow, to flourish.

Marriage is a transplant: it takes good or evil (Hugo, Victor)

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Small faults of our spouse, how to live with and love

By using psychology, can be transformed through some of his Jules vulgar trifles. By Alyne

1. For the hyper-relaxed : not much on chores "I would have done, but it out of my head! "
It determines the tasks that we really wanted, our spouse is allowed to run his way.
It does not pick up his things and it infuriates us? They are placed in a box

2. The retarded teen : when will it grow? "If I won the lottery ..." Let's use
his fun side and let him areas of madness.

He spends too much? With his agreement, is kicked out of his account his share of payments to an account that administers operations: it will spend what is left!

3. The workaholic : rarely at home 'I will arrive a little late. "
is organized to have a life of its own, an important social network.
We fix our limits, we refuse to take all responsibilities.
is asked to allow time for both of us, no cell phone!

4. The grumpy : never satisfied! "It's good, but it would be better with lemon."
Never turn the criticism against you if we judge it to be untrue.
was amplified his speech for him to show his tendency to criticize. It does
more attention, we try to change the subject.

5. The perfect little : emotions, it is not his forte! "He is surely a solution. You panic for nothing. "

It shows his tendency to remonstrate, and was told they did not need a father.
If children have also left their shoes lying around, there should be a signal that leads him to intervene rather than tell us to calm down.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

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was all our little certainty about the winning combination of a couple ... But often, reality is complex! Two specialists nuance.

When we love, we Fidail,
Not so simple! "If we love each other, we will be faithful to its commitments, says Jocelyn Robert, sexologist and author. Loyalty is a concept to define both. "Everyone must agree to abide by certain rules ... negotiated honestly.
For Father Francis St, psychologist and family mediator, "infidelity is not necessarily move on, but hide things from each other. "A couple always defined more or less tacitly space of freedom that everyone has. Infidelity, in fact, it does not respect this agreement. "Among the spouses who jump the fence, two men and three women were satisfied with their relationship! It's not that they love most: they seek novelty." The feeling of love does not guarantee exclusivity. And vice versa.

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It is apparently not easy to live a good life together for several years if we rely on divorce rates. This is around 50% in North America, which does not count couples who become dissatisfied or unhappy and that does not separate. It has stabilized if one considers the whole population but if it is calculated by year of marriage, we observe that the probability continues to increase for young couples. For example, the rate was 30% for couples in 1950, 50% for those trained in years 70 and 67% for those trained in the 90s (Goleman, 1997). Half of divorces occur in the first seven years of marriage. For second marriages, it is 10% higher than the former (Gottman & Silver, 1999).

Yet research shows that people generally are not only very satisfied with their relationship at first but also involved (in contrast to popular belief) and optimistic about the future of their relationship. It is difficult to imagine that it could deteriorate (Clements and al. 1997; Gottman & Silver, 1999). What happens to it that a few years later, they are rendered to think about separating? Why have they not been able to maintain their satisfaction and commitment? Can we identify differences between couples who manage to live happily together and those who fail? Are there factors that are predictors of success or failure of relationships? In recent years, research who ask this last question is particularly revealing.

In this research, many couples are followed for several years. Different characteristics of their relationship (eg, their modes of communication when differences, their level of commitment, sexual harmony, etc..) are observed and measured. After a few years, while couples can be divided into two groups, those who are separated or consider themselves unhappy and those who are satisfied with their relationship, it is checked whether membership in these groups is linked to the characteristics observed in early research, several years ago. Could anyone predict which couples would be separated?

Different research teams including those of Clements and Markman (Clements et al., 1997) and Gottman (Gottman & Silver, 1999) found that certain characteristics can indeed, with an accuracy quite large, predict the likelihood of dissatisfaction and separation. Surprising result, they found that the positive aspects of a relationship that began as the level of commitment, sexual harmony, intimacy, satisfaction, etc.. does not predict the likelihood of a successful relationship. What seems predictor by cons, is how couples react to differences and conflicts as they arise.

For all couples, differences and conflicts inevitably arise. They must decide where to live, how to divide tasks, how to manage money, what career focus, how to divide their leisure time with family and staff, etc. .. Differences in tastes, needs, priorities and ideas between partners lead to conflicts of interests are often difficult to reconcile. It's not having conflict is predictive of failure, neither the number nor the areas of conflict. The happy couple after several years have also subjects of discontent, unresolved conflicts and sometimes painful discussions. But among the couples who become separated or dissatisfied, there is much more frequently some negative ways of reacting to conflicts that are harmful. They should start a climb where everything is interpreted more negatively. The thoughts and negative feelings towards the other become pervasive to the point that in the newspaper, the positive aspects of the relationship are losing ground. There is not much of friendship is to say, respect and enjoyment of being together (Gottman & Silver, 1999).

The failure of marital relationships would be due to erosion of the positive aspects exerted by the negative behavior. According to several researchers, a negative act would offset many positive acts (doing an activity together, making love, etc..). That's what that would the positive aspects that have led the partners to be together and that fueled their satisfaction in the first time does not predict the success of their relationship.

We will see in the first part of this issue, what are the ways to respond to conflicts that are so harmful. We also see how conflicts emerge and evolve. In the second part, we shall see in what ways, according to recent research, couples can direct their efforts to preserve their relationship to erosion by conflict. The models presented here provide research and developments in the cognitive-behavioral approach couple relationships. They are far from round the issue. There are plenty of models to describe and understand the relationships. Each clarifies and different facets.

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Cohabitation, what for? Love & Dating

between advocates of "stay at home" and those who dream only a mild joint home, the Sparks Fly! But living together is that the decision is vital to a real relationship, or conversely, a true "kills-love"?

Living together out of the question!

"I refuse to share my living space," "I need my freedom," some couples refuse cohabitation systematic and the two partners live their separate ways, only found a few days a week. If

is generally a deliberate choice, it can also be a forced decision (job transfer, etc.), while often painful qu'épanouissante, but limited in time. Some people choose to live separately, for fear of commitment, but little by little, settled in one or the other, the air of nothing ...

Looks like a couple ... But can
we build a solid relationship when you do share a few nights a week? If this seems possible in some love (A minority), according to experts, we can not talk while torque itself. That is what we call "the wedding weekend, the two partners are not finding that to share fun activities, said Robert Neuburger, a psychiatrist and therapist for couples and families. But this formula is often to couples who are not already. " Difficult, it seems, not to share the daily, small joys and great sorrows, days of fatigue or illness, invoices and management of common nest! These couples say they live the best, without knowing the downside. But in fact, they often idealize the relationship, and, like the beginning of a meeting, play a role, hide their faults and weaknesses just to show them a picture perfect and smooth ... that is only part of their personality.

A story ended before it began
Moreover, it is wrong to believe that love part time avoids the problems. "The difficulty is sometimes the lack of sharing, lack of privacy that are markers of a common territory or shared finances," says R. Neuburger. Common life is reduced to the emotional and sexual life. This solution sometimes adopted to avoid problems of a separation, a problem in the construction of the couple because the separation is so early that it is sometimes necessary ... to the extent that the couple is virtually no!

The uncertainties of married life

Yet, though living in a whole seems essential for most couples, the daily double is far from smooth sailing! "Difficulties are related to the relationship between the spaces of individual privacy and intimacy of the couple, said R. Neuburger. Those who have long lived alone before settling down, finding it painful sensations Invasiveness their privacy. There must be room to another, where he managed very well by itself, transform an area that we belonged exclusively condominiums.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

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Ah, love!

Cupid comes from you shoot his arrow? Unless you are still looking for a soul mate or couple for some time? In any case, love is the heart of your concerns ... How to take a thunderbolt? Are there any tricks to keep the passion? Doctissimo gives you all the tips for a fulfilling relationship!

Report its flame

In love, the first steps are often the most difficult! Find your soul mate, overcome his shyness to declare his love, fulfill a thunderclap ... are some real tests. But it's worth the effort! Some tips for not only stay forever! Dare address

soul mate!

Approaching someone you like ... This is an often difficult situation in which the traction is a must! Tips to make your first appointment is not the last ... Your
jitters you may be prevented from doing theater or start a career in the song ... But the worst thing is if your lack of confidence makes you miss the love! Into four key stages, Doctissimo gives you some tips to successfully tackle a soulmate ... Try the address

You've spotted (e) long, you work with him or (the) cross each day at the bakery. You've decided that this could not last, he had to declare your love with at least invite him to lunch! Bravo! Now he is taking your courage to dare to approach. Some tricks to transform into a knight Bayard
Try positive thinking: are you saying that you're the most beautiful, best ... Although this may not be effective, it can give you the boost you need!
More down to earth, do not forget you beautiful! Capped (e), dressed (e) you will feel another man (another woman). Nothing better to ensure his power of seduction! But be careful to choose clothing that you feel comfortable!
you know! List the defects it is better to "hide" and the qualities to highlight. But seek not to be too perfect! Bumble
Do not!
It is very important to make a good first impression! To do this, you should under no circumstances stutter. Some tips to avoid getting tangled pencils: Without
write sentences in advance, identify key themes that want to address. Try not to lose sight of during the conversation.
must also know how to improvise! Nothing more annoying than someone who recites laboriously text! Feel free to change the subject if you see that you do not spend the crowds!
Agree to admit that you have stage fright! Honesty is often paid off!
Do not look at your feet! Seduction also passes through the eyes. Not necessarily staring each other, look at really! You will see that it may be more effective than words ...

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This blog is specially dedicated for those who are couples, the problems they can meet for a few simple conditions and tips to overcome them and save their relationship.