Saturday, October 1, 2005

Red Violet - Hair Colour

How can we prepare ourselves for a long and happy married life

The wedding day is a wonderful and exciting event in the life of a couple. Most couples spend more time however to plan this special day to prepare to live together. According to some studies, couples who have a long and happy married life have several things in common: They

healthy vision of what marriage really.
They have a realistic idea of love.
They are able to say openly what they think and they feel.
They understand and accept that they will have disagreements.
They know how to make decisions. They manage to settle their disagreements when they are not on the same wavelength.
But to have a happy married life, he must put his. You can prepare by strengthening some of the capabilities that you have already earned. Here are some tips to help you build a long and happy marriage.

Be the best of friends
happy marriages begin first by a deep friendship and respect each other, happy couples revel in the moments spent with their partner. Know your partner. What does he or she likes and dislikes, what their strengths and weaknesses of character, aspirations, dreams, goals, interests, fears and concerns? Be the best of friends. Creating a link that will bring you closer strengthen your relationship.

Contact Learn how to express yourself and listen.
know about is sharing his thoughts, feelings and needs with her partner. Do not think he or she should know what you think even before you open your mouth. We must listen to him dire.Savoir is try to understand what your partner says. Do not attack or blame your partner if you do not agree with what he or she says. Give him a chance to express themselves, share ideas and thoughts with you. Do not interrupt it. Take the time to get together to express yourself and listen to each other. Find ways to talk and you listen to that suit you both. Be fair

Disagreements and disputes are an integral part of any relationship. You can learn to protect your marriage by learning to be fair, to resolve disagreements and manage your colère.On Can not miss: you will not always agree on everything, but try to stay on top of disagreements and disputes to prevent such situations are impossible to solve.

Focus on the positive
Often couples include special attention to their problems without taking the time to recognize not all that their relationship brings them good. Indeed, there are several things you do well in both. Think of these forces and you can be proud. Notice all that is good in your married life and highlight all the good elements.

Take courses premarital counseling or marriage preparation
Many couples find that premarital counseling or marriage preparation workshops are useful before marriage. These programs cover the following topics: communication

problem solving
children's education
money and finance
sex and intimacy
goals that binds a couple
good relations with family members, friends and parents-
The marriage preparation programs are beneficial for all couples as they promote the learning of:
strengthen skills already acquired
learn more about his partner
learn what are the major challenges of marriage and what it takes to overcome
have confidence they are doing the right thing in their relationship
meet other couples and share with those who are on the same stage in their lives
Contact the following organizations to inquire about the premarital counseling or marriage preparation workshops:
your local family services
your establishment of religion (eg.: church, synagogue, mosque, etc.).
your employee assistance program
your college local community

Read books and do all the exercises on the couple relationship
Some publications are recommended in the following section. Together, these publications you can read and do the exercises where at the time and place that suits you. These activities will help you get closer to perfect your ability to live as a couple and learn more about your partner.

Additional Resources

Books and other publications

Gottman, John and Nan Silver. the happy couple have their secrets : 7 laws of réussite.Pocket, 2709621207 2000.ISBN

Happiness in marriage (BDC)
This site is devoted to important aspects of a relationship, including love, communication, sexuality, crisis management, the effects of life on the couple, marriage, etc.. It contains tips, suggestions, lists of publications and useful links.


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