Sharing, tenderness, but also routine misunderstanding is not easy to live happily in pairs. Here, in ten words how to find balance and fulfillment in his daily life.
Many disputes arise from a lack of communication between the couple. You often agree to do things that bother you without saying anything, hoping that your spouse will understand. You have to go out tonight, but you are very tired. You'll tend to tell your partner: "Are you sure you want to go?" instead of explaining clearly that you are tired. Result, your spouse does not decode the message, you go out when you do not want and you blame him or her later. Listen to each other, express your frustrations, your desires, it will avoid accumulating resentment and annoyance. Get off on the everyday mundane conversations and talk really about you and your expectations.
Because you are two different people by nature, married life does not come naturally and requires a number of compromises. You do not necessarily have the same habits, the same lifestyle. It is impossible to reconcile two educations, two personalities without some adjustments. Sometimes you have to take upon himself and renounce its idiosyncrasies and irrational demands. Is it really so important that the remote is stored on the radius of the shelf? Accept the desires and needs of others, and find a balance between your lifestyle.
You have often said, is to give and receive love. As cheesy as it may be the formula, it conceals a truth undeniable. Attention, it is not gifts but time, listening, availability, capacity to love another. And this generosity is unconditional, free. For married life does not turn to the simple cohabitation, courteous but deadly, the spouses must be desirous of taking care of each other, to please him. Kisses, compliments and other expressions of affection are not reserved the beginnings of relationships. Repeat every day for signs of affection and attention you want to live together.
You have reached such a degree of intimacy with your partner that you think might be more direct. Talk to him suddenly, without tact or delicacy. Without you guessed it, sometimes the violence of your words hurts or humiliates. Strangely, that the person you like the more you miss the most respect. Avoid rudeness and harsh criticism. In short, you behave with your partner as you would like him to do with you.
Spend time with each other, share couple of times. It seems obvious: Because you live together, you spend much time alone both. But it's not that simple. It is essential to preserve small moments for two, where each partner is fully present and available for other intellectually, that he forgets his worries and professional equipment. Go out, find activities Commons, cultivate your interests, share a real intimacy to two.
station to indifference about the trivialization of the other. This is not because you have passed the life in common than you need to consider your relationship for granted and final. Do not go looking to please each other. Immediately discard in the trash if your old sweatshirt and your comfortable pajamas deformed. You find that the habits and routine progressivemement settle? Remember that you are not a spectator, but actor couple.
Everyone repeat, there is no healthy relationship without trust. Each day, the promiscuous you submit to the temptation to monitor every move your spouse to control their phone calls, emails and other text messages. Stop! Resist the mistrust, doubt, suspicion. Do not turn your meal endless interrogations. While it is important to trust your partner, it is also essential to have confidence in your relationship. Do not be destabilized by the first obstacle that arises in your life. The everyday couple is far from smooth sailing, and if it is, is that there surely has a problem!
Project A project provides a dynamic torque, a new breath. Have introduced a project the size of the dream in life to both. Be content to live from day to day is finally a way not to get involved. To survive the daily stress and routine which insidiously, the couple must be sustainable. Because the project makes you want to move forward, build something with the other. No need to look far, there are all sorts of projects: a journey, an apartment, children, renovate a house ...
Every human being needs for intimacy. There is no question of physical intimacy, but emotional intimacy, emotional. Be times lonely, cultivating a secret garden keeps an element of mystery and freedom. Let your friend get lost in his thoughts and ideas without constantly asking "What are you thinking?" Moreover, partners must always be adhered to one another to want to meet. By dint of being all the time, we may no longer be watching. The ideal is that everyone can have his space.
Living Together not mean to compare her partner. Let alone to melt into him. You should not confuse love and addiction. It is crucial to allow a degree of autonomy to the other for it retains its own identity in the couple and did not feel suffocated. Take dance classes, go out with your girlfriends while watching a football game with friends. But be vigilant as to remain united in having two separate lives is extremely difficult. We must find a balance between fusion and independence.
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