past thirty years, the proportion of working women has increased constantly. For many couples, this implies a fundamental challenge to traditional roles.
Profound changes
In scarcely 40 years, the couple's image has changed radically. In particular, a new phenomenon has reached all strata of society at a speed never seen before in history: it is the emergence of women's work within the couple.De Increasingly, this work corresponds to the deepest aspirations of women at the same time as a financial necessity. Such a change has given rise to tensions or even conflicts in new daily life of the couple, both materially and emotionally. How
spouses accept their respective professions? What are their reluctance and dissatisfaction with their subjects? The answers to these questions are often multiple and complex. They can nevertheless understand the problems that may arise and resolve them more easily. Under designs millennia, man is considered the head of household who must provide for his household. Obtain training, find employment, earn a living are imperatives incumbent, even today, more men than women. From childhood, a boy learns that he must have a trade, he will have responsibilities and that his training is more important than her sisters. His future as adults is synonymous with business and labor. His parents also strive to guide him according to his taste but more importantly, they ensure the "push" towards a social situation more rewarding than their own so that he earns more money than them. These "duties" weigh on the shoulders of the man and explain some obsessions: a fear of failing, fear of losing their jobs, the tensions that arise when taking risks in changing jobs or business. These obsessions are more likely to occur as torque loads are many: one or more children to raise, a house or apartment to pay, etc..
man can feel free of anxiety when his girlfriend decides to work. In material terms, the future and the lives of his family no longer depend on him alone. Two
wages instead of one, it's also a bit of comfort in the couple's finances, the opportunity to acquire more goods and to afford more trips or outings.
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