Sunday, October 2, 2005

Bounty Comercial Voice

Questionnaire The 10 golden rules dialogue between the couple ...

1-Know listen carefully and answer only when your partner has finished talking.

2-Be slow to speak. Think first. Talk about how your spouse telium understands what you mean.

3-Always tell the truth but in love. Exaggerating at all.

4-Do not use silence to frustrate your spouse. Explain your reason for momentary hesitation.

5-Do not quarrel, do not forget that it is possible to have a different one without having to compete.

6-Be kind in your responses. Do not replicate with anger.

7-Know your wrongs and ask forgiveness.

8-Stop harassing your spouse of grievances. Do not annoy him constantly.

9-Do not criticize your spouse and do not blame, but rather seek to encourage and edify.

10-Seek to understand before being understood. Be tolerant and sincerely take to heart the interests of your spouse.


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