My goal is not to go on, and on a course of anatomy sharp, but simply to draw your attention to the importance to be in harmony with your body when you practice a martial art like karate. In our martial practice, we request certain muscles more than others, then nothing more natural than to develop them wisely. It happens often with very little means at home, why not attend the gym.
Already the ancient Greeks understood the importance of physical preparation. If your drive comes down to a purely technical practice, you will very quickly limited. Too many karate imagine that physical preparation is incidental: Error! Precisely this preparation will make a difference. She's going to blow your potential. This preparation should include strength training, mental training, nutrition and care.
Karate is classified as "combat sports" so called "percussion" in the same way as boxing, kung fu, Thai boxing, etc ... These sports have in common is to hit the body the opponent with his own body segments. Karate requires on the part of practicing physical qualities such as a mobility body.
Let us see what are the muscles most affected ... Let's start with the upper body musculature. In this region, the action depends mainly deltoids, pectorals and triceps. Extensor muscle groups used to propel the arm forward (strike). The biceps
participates in circular strokes (especially the tsuki or mawashi ura tsuki), the deltoid muscle also plays a vital role in maintaining custody (kamaete).
The neck should be specially developed for its muscle volume provides a solid continuation of the head, thereby avoiding the ko at jodan level contacts.
The musculature of the middle part of the body is characterized by the work of the rectus muscles, work necessary to absorb, absorb the blows of the opponent. The development of the oblique muscles is essential to emphasize the power of the blows, but also to increase the effectiveness of dodging.
Finally, for the lower body muscles, it focuses on the extensor muscles of the lower limbs because they determine the effectiveness of percussion made with the legs (keri waza). Contraction of all muscles of the lower limbs can stabilize the supporting leg (knee extensors, quadriceps, hip extensor). I would like
also insist that the extensor muscles of the lower limbs also contribute to the striking power of his fists. Surprising as it may seem, is what is called the "transfer of power." I think particularly in the preparation of Gyaku tsuki or work the lower body is as important as the work the upper body.
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