Karate practice requires adequate nutrition to keep or get fit.
We must therefore adjust our diet. For the essential elements it brings, the food is indeed very important in achieving an intense effort. The karateka has higher requirements for energy, protein, vitamins and minerals.
We must distinguish between foods, which are consumables and nutrients, which are substances the body can absorb. We must therefore begin to think in nutrients, then select food that will bring them along.
The nutrients that provide calories are protein, carbohydrates and lipids. The nutrients that do not provide calories are vitamins, minerals, trace elements and water.
proteins are, after water, the most common element in our body. They contribute to the construction and cell regeneration. Proteins are essential for making muscle tissue. There are two types of proteins, those of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products) and those of vegetable origin (starches, pasta, lentils, etc.).. But be careful, eat lots of protein without proper exercise led to excesses that can be harmful as deficiency.
Carbohydrates are the preferred fuel of the muscle. They are found in fresh vegetables, fruit, starch, flour, pulses, honey, pastries, sodas, ice cream.
We distinguish simple sugars and carbohydrates. The sugars (ice cream, sodas, honey, jams, pastries, etc..) does not undergo significant transformation in the digestive tract, they arrive more quickly in our organization. The
carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes, semolina, bread, etc..) Tract and undergo transformation will therefore appear more slowly in the body.
consumption of carbohydrates is indicated for intense muscular exercise of short duration and when it needs energy quickly mobilized.
Lipids are fats that are derived from plant or animal. The animal fats contained in meat, butter, whole milk and yolk egg. Lipids of plant origin are found in rapeseed, olive, grapeseed, etc.. Lipids are mainly a fuel of the heart muscle, and the long-term effort.
Vitamins are essential substances, be deprived of causes of deficiencies. You should know that vitamins have no energy value, they do not force. They are simply chemical reactions in our body. Vitamins particularly important for the karateka are the B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E. In case of fatigue during training, it is important So check our intake of vitamins is sufficient.
Minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body, which does not produce and does not transform himself. They are eliminated through sweat and urine. Magnesium has a very important role in the nervous balance. For example, magnesium deficiency leads to symptoms such as fatigue, cramps, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, nervousness and spasmophilia. Calcium provides a solid bone, sodium regulates water content of the body, potassium is essential for proper muscle contraction.
Trace elements such as selenium, by example, stimulate the immune system.
I still have to address the water issue that will be an upcoming article in itself.
In conclusion, I would say that many incidents and accidents such as cramps, strains, etc.. could be prevented with proper nutrition to our practice martial.
Bon appetite!
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