Training begins and ends with a ritual, something that allows individuals to practice together effectively and with confidence. A lack of concentration can cause injury. Help others develop their faculties is one of the qualities of a good karateka.
Students always address the sensei (master trainer). This is not a literal translation, but for the sake of simplicity, the word "master" will do.
In fact, Sensei means "one who has gone before", a term which means that whatever we do or about to do, the master has already knowing what he did.
Nothing distinguishes a student from another student if the color of the belt (obi) which reflects the experience gained by the one who wears it. All karateka are equal as shown by their simple white uniform, karate gi.
karate-gi must be impeccable and belt tied properly, as well as in front of the back.
neophytes, students or experienced teachers are required to remove their shoes and do a hello (rei) before entering the dojo. This seems obvious, but it is clear that many still do not know.
But back to the ritual itself. On the command of the most senior student (sempai), students form a straight line. The highest ranking take place from left to right. Yes, we do not align no matter how early in the ritual of salvation ... It is not simply a question of alignment, but more respect for officers too.
must stand, relaxed, hands resting on the front of the thighs, fingers extended and joined, thumb back. Join heels and open toes outward, in V. The sempai
orders "seiza" get in a squatting position by placing hands on knees naturally differ. Look straight ahead keeping the balance. Kneel on the ground by asking first the left knee and right knee. For boys, maintain a space between the knees of the width of two fists. For girls, knees bent. In the kneeling position, do not cross your feet and place the instep of the foot flat on the floor.
When sempai orders "Mokuso," then you have to empty the mind and prepare for training. Close your eyes and keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed. During this meditation, we must seek calmness and serenity. Focusing on breathing helps clear his mind of thoughts that might be distracting. Breathe slowly, deeply and in a controlled manner by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through your mouth. Maintain the position at least sixty seconds.
The sempai then declared "Mokuso Yame. At that moment you open your eyes.
Then he gave the order to greet the "Shômen" or spirit of the founder (it is desirable that a photo of it is displayed against the practitioners). This order is: Shômen ni rei. To practice this hello (rei), move both hands around the knees to ask ground ahead. In the past, whose history is still connected to the samurai era, people began to put his left hand and right hand. Today in our school style, the concept of trust has taken on greater significance. That's why we salute by placing both hands together around the knees for floor standing before him.
The thumbs and index fingers touching to form a V. You tilt the torso until the face is approximately 25 cm above the ground. These keep the body in balance, back straight and head in its extension.
then instructs the sempai "Sensei ni rei", the hello to the teacher or the present. Sempai finally pronounce "hostage ni rei", the hello to the training partners.
When these three bows are completed, the sempai pronounced "kiritsu" by inviting practitioners to meet, in order of rank. We begin to recover by advancing the left foot. Once standing, it resumed its original position before performing the last hello.
All this may seem natural for many of us, but I think we never repeat it enough. It is the duty of every instructor to ensure that this ceremony is observed every workout.
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