Thursday, September 30, 2010
Pokemon Heart Gold Shiny Riolu
Water intake is still unclear from the karate and the instructors. Some still persist in declaring "do not drink, it cuts the legs." This recommendation is stupid and dangerous is still used in some dojo. Stupidity at this level becomes a real danger ...
Water is the most important constituent of the body. It represents 60-70% of our body composition. For an athlete, unless the body temperature rises, the more beneficial it is. It is therefore advantageous to cool as possible and by all means, hence the need to drink. For if the body temperature rises, we are no longer able to provide effort. It's that simple!
Do not drink leads to a state of dehydration. This condition leads to negative consequences especially in karate, because it severely limits the performance martial.
The analysis is simple: less water = less blood, less blood = less capital oxygen = less performance.
Dehydration also causes loss of muscle strength. Because the loss of water leads to weight loss. A loss of 5% of this mass is lower your muscular performance by 10%. Strength activities and fighting such as karate are particularly concerned.
So when thirsty during a workout, it is primarily a feeling, but also an indicator that lights on your dashboard. It tells you that you are dehydrated. When thirsty, it's already too late. Drinking at this time will calm this feeling, but that does not meet your real needs, you are not rehydrated. The rule to follow to avoid such discomfort is to drink without being thirsty, that is to say do not wait this late signal of dehydration. The fluid intake should be split. It should drink little but often. 4-5 sips every time. If you drink too much, it will cause bloating and even difficulty breathing.
Water can be slightly sweet, it should preferably be eaten fresh but not chilled. When
drink? Drink before a competition is unnecessary because the body is unable to stockpile water. Result: the karateka will have strong urges to urinate. During training, it is advisable to drink whenever possible, when the instructor permits. It is important physiologically and psychologically. The act of drinking and provides benchmarks that promotes concentration. After training, you should use a lightly carbonated water to form a reserve and to fight against fatigue.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Does Amylase Work In The Stomach?
Food, fitness and mental training we can practice as much as possible. But our body also needs maintenance.
hygiene includes a karate care that can prevent injuries but also to facilitate recovery. A moral well-being that often accompanies physical recovery. One way to recovery is the most effective massage.
Massage can be performed either before training or after. Before training, the purpose of massage is to cause stimulating effects and prepare the muscles during exercise, excite the nervous system. Practiced after he generally allows a return to normal by a restoration of the body. It therefore promotes faster recovery from training but also has a role in preventing accidents like muscle or tendon. The massage is designed to promote muscle contraction and eliminates the waste produced by this contraction. Massage reduces anxiety, helps eliminate muscle soreness, reduces pain, muscle relaxation followed brings a calming psychological. Practiced as part of a competition, can be used as a massage refreshes between each fight, which is very interesting if the test should be spread on any one day.
For massage, use different products, oils or ointments which may themselves be provided with remedial or relaxing virtues. There are various massage techniques. "The light touch" is used to move oil or product used. "The pressure crept" deep is the basic movement for the muscle relaxation (acceleration of blood flow and evacuation of toxins). "Kneading" is used primarily on large muscle masses. It is to lift, squeeze, squeeze and twist without pain before the tissues. Kneading relieves congestion and revitalizes the muscle. "Friction" is to crush nodes muscle (tendon), very often it is used to treat areas around a joint. Finally, "The Impact" has a policy of tapping, knocking, hammering a violence-free zone to be treated. Stimulating effect guaranteed, it is ideal for heating static muscle.
These are the basic principles of massage, but everyone around him did not know a person practicing massage, especially in small clubs. Yet massage is fundamental to physical preparation. Then each of us can practice "self massage. The automassage requires no special skills.
Just practice and it quickly becomes as efficient as a good massage by a trainer. The advantage is that you can practice quietly when desired (eg between fights). It is effective to prepare our muscles, to remove fatigue, aches. Maneuvers using its identical, you just find the right position, as comfortable as possible, so as not to tire in massing. Alone, we can already massaging the abdomen, legs, glutes, lower back, the pectoral region, neck, shoulders, members superiors. It's not bad! If you want to deepen your knowledge of self-massage, I advise you to introduce you to "do in".
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Get Plates In Ontario
Karate practice requires adequate nutrition to keep or get fit.
We must therefore adjust our diet. For the essential elements it brings, the food is indeed very important in achieving an intense effort. The karateka has higher requirements for energy, protein, vitamins and minerals.
We must distinguish between foods, which are consumables and nutrients, which are substances the body can absorb. We must therefore begin to think in nutrients, then select food that will bring them along.
The nutrients that provide calories are protein, carbohydrates and lipids. The nutrients that do not provide calories are vitamins, minerals, trace elements and water.
proteins are, after water, the most common element in our body. They contribute to the construction and cell regeneration. Proteins are essential for making muscle tissue. There are two types of proteins, those of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products) and those of vegetable origin (starches, pasta, lentils, etc.).. But be careful, eat lots of protein without proper exercise led to excesses that can be harmful as deficiency.
Carbohydrates are the preferred fuel of the muscle. They are found in fresh vegetables, fruit, starch, flour, pulses, honey, pastries, sodas, ice cream.
We distinguish simple sugars and carbohydrates. The sugars (ice cream, sodas, honey, jams, pastries, etc..) does not undergo significant transformation in the digestive tract, they arrive more quickly in our organization. The
carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes, semolina, bread, etc..) Tract and undergo transformation will therefore appear more slowly in the body.
consumption of carbohydrates is indicated for intense muscular exercise of short duration and when it needs energy quickly mobilized.
Lipids are fats that are derived from plant or animal. The animal fats contained in meat, butter, whole milk and yolk egg. Lipids of plant origin are found in rapeseed, olive, grapeseed, etc.. Lipids are mainly a fuel of the heart muscle, and the long-term effort.
Vitamins are essential substances, be deprived of causes of deficiencies. You should know that vitamins have no energy value, they do not force. They are simply chemical reactions in our body. Vitamins particularly important for the karateka are the B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin E. In case of fatigue during training, it is important So check our intake of vitamins is sufficient.
Minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body, which does not produce and does not transform himself. They are eliminated through sweat and urine. Magnesium has a very important role in the nervous balance. For example, magnesium deficiency leads to symptoms such as fatigue, cramps, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, nervousness and spasmophilia. Calcium provides a solid bone, sodium regulates water content of the body, potassium is essential for proper muscle contraction.
Trace elements such as selenium, by example, stimulate the immune system.
I still have to address the water issue that will be an upcoming article in itself.
In conclusion, I would say that many incidents and accidents such as cramps, strains, etc.. could be prevented with proper nutrition to our practice martial.
Bon appetite!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Aztec Costumes Stores
This author was born in Kabul, leaves Afghanistan and Pakistan to join the France where he obtained political asylum, because of the war.
In 2008 he won the Prix Goncourt for this book.
When you have finished reading it, one can easily understand the reason for the price ...
This is a poignant story. The story is short, takes place one dangerous place, "somewhere in Afghanistan or elsewhere" as the author says, and describes the actions and feelings of a woman making sure her husband injured ...
The sentences are short, simple rhythm and passing time with incredible force. The time seems long, every minute endless. It's amazing!
The woman is seen as a slave, then it is free and shows us the dark side of her private life. It becomes stronger as his tongue was loosened ...
most disturbing is to imagine that he is a man who could write, describing the intimacy of this woman!
By cons, a little disappointment at the end ... in my opinion only ...
to you to read!
Friday, September 24, 2010
What Does It Mean When You Have Abnormal Ers?
In a martial art like karate or the opponent tries to impose itself physically, it is essential to develop its mind to hold on and move forward.
should never doubt themselves. For that, he must psychologically prepare themselves for battle. Learning to manage stress before competition, for example. Before each battle, we need to get in optimal mental state ... whether in the competition circuit, or in a traditional practice in the dojo. You should know the best use of time off for example.
It's the same when preparing to move to a higher grade, the work itself can eliminate a lot of physical obstacles.
The basis for decision Awareness of the body, relax. A good relaxation session can increase our physical and emotional. Applying vacuum through relaxation, we can project a mental image that binds the mind. Without that nothing will disturb us, and we develop our powers of concentration.
Relaxation techniques are many. Some require time and are quite practiced in the evening after your workouts, while others are faster and provide instant relaxation, which is very significant before a fight by example. But of course, to achieve and control these rapid methods, it is imperative to start with the first to learn to control his body in combination with his mind.
The relaxation training requires attendance in practice, as in many areas. To take full advantage of its benefits, it must practice every day. It is feasible for all of us, just enjoy it and to arrange our schedule to incorporate relaxation into our lifestyle.
However, many of those (mostly because women often have a second day after their daily work in their family life) that does not give the right to take a break from their hectic life. For these people, relax a constraint. They force themselves nonetheless to make a few sessions in the hope of progress. In such a state of mind, relaxation is useless. It will not bring the expected benefits that should be implemented either at the dojo or in competition. That's the way it misses something essential in practice martial. Without wanting to make each of us a karate champion, he must still know that all champions practiced a mental discipline. No matter how the call (relaxation, relaxation therapy, hypnosis, etc.).. If we go further, in martial arts, it is well known that many traditionalists practice mental discipline far beyond the simple relaxation. But these are often more of a religious practice as a method of preparation in mental effort.
If I go back to our practice of karate, it is worth noting that any technique is first in the minds before they make a technical act. If something disturbs the mind, this will result in poor performance of the technique to execute.
How can we relax? I will not go on, and here about the different ways that you can find in most books that are dedicated, know that it all starts with breathing because it causes effects on the psyche, provided the practice somehow. Then he must learn to manage the contraction and muscular relaxation leading to a visualization. The display allows you to program his mind. Many karate practitioners are asking questions about their opportunities. They doubt themselves. There is no miracle : Either one dominates one's mind or it controls us. The goal is to reach and overcome any apprehension develop our fighting spirit. An example: during relaxation, we must find a symbol for the fighting. Meditate on what is for himself, the representative image of this quality. This may be an object, animal, man, whatever. What matters is that this symbol comes from itself. The best example that comes to mind is the famous motto of Mohammed Ali: "Dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee." This is what he did during his fights ...
When you find your symbol, it will accompany you throughout your practice martial. If these are words, they must resonate in your head every minute you're in position to fight. It is the mental training.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Why Will My Zippo Not Li
For the first time since the creation of this blog, I'll try to tackle a subject that can not be divorced from the practice of karate: physical preparation.
My goal is not to go on, and on a course of anatomy sharp, but simply to draw your attention to the importance to be in harmony with your body when you practice a martial art like karate. In our martial practice, we request certain muscles more than others, then nothing more natural than to develop them wisely. It happens often with very little means at home, why not attend the gym.
Already the ancient Greeks understood the importance of physical preparation. If your drive comes down to a purely technical practice, you will very quickly limited. Too many karate imagine that physical preparation is incidental: Error! Precisely this preparation will make a difference. She's going to blow your potential. This preparation should include strength training, mental training, nutrition and care.
Karate is classified as "combat sports" so called "percussion" in the same way as boxing, kung fu, Thai boxing, etc ... These sports have in common is to hit the body the opponent with his own body segments. Karate requires on the part of practicing physical qualities such as a mobility body.
Let us see what are the muscles most affected ... Let's start with the upper body musculature. In this region, the action depends mainly deltoids, pectorals and triceps. Extensor muscle groups used to propel the arm forward (strike). The biceps
participates in circular strokes (especially the tsuki or mawashi ura tsuki), the deltoid muscle also plays a vital role in maintaining custody (kamaete).
The neck should be specially developed for its muscle volume provides a solid continuation of the head, thereby avoiding the ko at jodan level contacts.
The musculature of the middle part of the body is characterized by the work of the rectus muscles, work necessary to absorb, absorb the blows of the opponent. The development of the oblique muscles is essential to emphasize the power of the blows, but also to increase the effectiveness of dodging.
Finally, for the lower body muscles, it focuses on the extensor muscles of the lower limbs because they determine the effectiveness of percussion made with the legs (keri waza). Contraction of all muscles of the lower limbs can stabilize the supporting leg (knee extensors, quadriceps, hip extensor). I would like
also insist that the extensor muscles of the lower limbs also contribute to the striking power of his fists. Surprising as it may seem, is what is called the "transfer of power." I think particularly in the preparation of Gyaku tsuki or work the lower body is as important as the work the upper body.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Can You Bake A Cake In Corningware
Training begins and ends with a ritual, something that allows individuals to practice together effectively and with confidence. A lack of concentration can cause injury. Help others develop their faculties is one of the qualities of a good karateka.
Students always address the sensei (master trainer). This is not a literal translation, but for the sake of simplicity, the word "master" will do.
In fact, Sensei means "one who has gone before", a term which means that whatever we do or about to do, the master has already knowing what he did.
Nothing distinguishes a student from another student if the color of the belt (obi) which reflects the experience gained by the one who wears it. All karateka are equal as shown by their simple white uniform, karate gi.
karate-gi must be impeccable and belt tied properly, as well as in front of the back.
neophytes, students or experienced teachers are required to remove their shoes and do a hello (rei) before entering the dojo. This seems obvious, but it is clear that many still do not know.
But back to the ritual itself. On the command of the most senior student (sempai), students form a straight line. The highest ranking take place from left to right. Yes, we do not align no matter how early in the ritual of salvation ... It is not simply a question of alignment, but more respect for officers too.
must stand, relaxed, hands resting on the front of the thighs, fingers extended and joined, thumb back. Join heels and open toes outward, in V. The sempai
orders "seiza" get in a squatting position by placing hands on knees naturally differ. Look straight ahead keeping the balance. Kneel on the ground by asking first the left knee and right knee. For boys, maintain a space between the knees of the width of two fists. For girls, knees bent. In the kneeling position, do not cross your feet and place the instep of the foot flat on the floor.
When sempai orders "Mokuso," then you have to empty the mind and prepare for training. Close your eyes and keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed. During this meditation, we must seek calmness and serenity. Focusing on breathing helps clear his mind of thoughts that might be distracting. Breathe slowly, deeply and in a controlled manner by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through your mouth. Maintain the position at least sixty seconds.
The sempai then declared "Mokuso Yame. At that moment you open your eyes.
Then he gave the order to greet the "Shômen" or spirit of the founder (it is desirable that a photo of it is displayed against the practitioners). This order is: Shômen ni rei. To practice this hello (rei), move both hands around the knees to ask ground ahead. In the past, whose history is still connected to the samurai era, people began to put his left hand and right hand. Today in our school style, the concept of trust has taken on greater significance. That's why we salute by placing both hands together around the knees for floor standing before him.
The thumbs and index fingers touching to form a V. You tilt the torso until the face is approximately 25 cm above the ground. These keep the body in balance, back straight and head in its extension.
then instructs the sempai "Sensei ni rei", the hello to the teacher or the present. Sempai finally pronounce "hostage ni rei", the hello to the training partners.
When these three bows are completed, the sempai pronounced "kiritsu" by inviting practitioners to meet, in order of rank. We begin to recover by advancing the left foot. Once standing, it resumed its original position before performing the last hello.
All this may seem natural for many of us, but I think we never repeat it enough. It is the duty of every instructor to ensure that this ceremony is observed every workout.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Basketball Cement Court
the beginning of this school year, the School JKA Shotokan Karate-Do Bubishi had the honor of hosting Sawada Sensei, 7th Dan JKA, for training Provincial.
On this occasion, several regional clubs, and others were given an appointment to take the master's teaching.
Sawada Sensei has focused his training on the Kata Goju shi ho sho (fifty-four steps - small).
The kata Goju shi ho sho belongs, like the version dai, the most advanced kata of Shuri you.
During this training, the teacher made us realize the importance of the work of internal energy on every act we do. A rich
training in education upon which most of us gathered around a good Italian dish in a friendly atmosphere.
Thanks to all those who participated in this precious moment.