Although our school Karate requires us to adopt total control strikes at face (jodan), a "slippage" is always possible. This can then lead to some injuries. The nose, teeth and eyes are sometimes targeted.
Injuries of the nose:
breaking the edge: in shock, if the deformity is important, it is possible to reposition the nasal septum immediately after the accident.
If the pain is too great, it is preferable that this reduction is done in hospital under anesthesia because the radios will be needed. If the impact is minimal, to the cold.
bleeding nose bleeding from the nose may occur during an impact, but also for no apparent reason. Above all, do not blow your nose. Must breathe through the mouth and tilt head. If bleeding exceeds 15 minutes, it is best to consult a doctor.
dental trauma:
The teeth most vulnerable are the incisors. If the teeth are broken, nothing to do but consult a dentist. Using a mouthguard is advised in some cases.
Eye injuries:
At the arcade eyebrows, a wound is often spectacular, the bleeding may be abundant, but the severity is rare. A good compression bandage will stop the bleeding. If cons cut is deep, stitches may be needed to facilitate healing.
At the eyelid, a cut at this point requires a delicate suturing.
When the trauma of the eyeball, there must always be treated as if the case was serious because it can hide damage to the cornea, lens, or retina. Do not put anything in the eyes.
We must protect the eye by a compress sterile (it is often even preferable to the occlusion of both eyes because if you move one eye, the other does the same move). That's why sometimes it makes a dressing binocular and directing the person to an eye clinic. Just to reassure the person, explaining why he hides both eyes.
Fortunately, these injuries are rare and few cases are reported in serious dojo.
The instructor also works to prevent these hazards.
Have perfect control is one of the first qualities of a good karateka. Never forget that
one who masters his technique, have no difficulty in putting an individual out of harm's way in case of real aggression.
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