Karate is foremost a martial art defense. With the advent of sport karate, karate is also classified as combat sports. Despite careful preparation, we can not eliminate the risk of having problems of various origins.
Accidents and incidents may be minor or, conversely, heavy with consequences. For a basic understanding of these problems, it is possible to implement effective prevention or to have the appropriate behavior to events in order to reduce health risks. Therefore, this article is especially for instructors so they can respond better to deal with all situations that arise during a training dojo.
I list below a list of cases that may arise. First of all accidents types of muscle:
Elongation: This is a stretching of the muscle fibers beyond their capabilities. The pain is intense, there is no bruising, halting the effort is not thereafter. Treatment: initially it is necessary to make a glaze. Thereafter, gentle massage.
The breakdown: There is a breakdown of some muscle fibers. The pain is intense and requires the cessation of effort. A bruise may appear a little later.
Treatment: make a glaze for two days. Do not rub. Rest. After 15 days, we will pursue a progressive rehabilitation associated with massage.
Tearing: Many fibers are broken. The bruise is fast. The pain is very important. The total loss of function requires an immediate halt to the effort.
Treatment: frosting, no massage, medical intervention is needed because if the tear is badly treated, you can attend a calcification of the hematoma. Resumption of training after rehabilitation from 8 to 10 weeks after the accident, and progressive manner.
Rupture Total: the muscle is completely severed. Impotence is total. The person is unable to use the affected limb.
Treatment: immobility, surgery necessary to suture the muscle or back into his bones when then removing.
Aches: If your preparation has not been neglected, you should not have soreness, unless the first day of your training, you try to double your effort. Or if a ruling reversed in the long term. Aches are characterized by a feeling of soreness. They can appear in a unusual muscular effort, for example a person who is learning karate. There are immediate aches, which appear at the end of the year, and delayed muscle soreness, which they appear the next day or next day.
Treatment: gentle massage with an ointment or relaxing warm bath with a handful of coarse salt. For the wealthy, the sauna can also be an effective remedy. Exposure to sunlight may also remove some soreness. It is important not to take anti-inflammatories because there is no inflammatory process. If the pain is severe, it can take aspirin. No icing.
Cramps: Although not serious, a cramp is painful. It can hinder training or competition. It is an involuntary muscle contraction.
Treatment: When you feel the evil coming, stop the stress and relax the party. If the cramp is present, icing the muscle in forced extension. Perform a cold application remotely with a bomb for this purpose.
Let us now turn to bone and ligament injuries:
Sprains: Following an unfortunate gesture, the bone is out of the joint cavity but has taken his place. This shift has resulted in a ligament injury. There are three types of sprains. The first degree sprain is a simple sprain and strain. The treatment consists of icing and massage with ointment. Resumption of training after 8 to 10 days.
The second-degree sprain, the ligaments are partially torn. Swelling appears. Functional disability and pain. The treatment consists of icing, but a medical consultation is required. Massages, anti-inflammatory medicines are the rehabilitation for this type of sprain. The third
sprain degree, the most serious, ligaments or broken disinserted. The pain is intense, impotence important. Treatment consists of immobilization and a consultation in a medical center.
dislocations: the bone end is out of the joint area, causing an extension or tear ligaments. Great pain, local swelling, bruising, loss of function.
Treatment: Apply cold compresses or ice. Place a support bandage loosely. Evacuate to a hospital. Especially do not try to replace the joint.
much for most cases that can present themselves to you. Fortunately, this does not happen every day ... But if it is able to react quickly and well.
Other pain appear more regularly, less serious but sometimes causing difficulty breathing for the person. I think particularly at the famous stitch. This pain is located below the ribs, right or left.
Treatment: pressure of the hand on the painful area, which in principle will relieve quickly. Slow down the effort and make a fuller breath. Be sure to expire. To avoid this side you just have to make a good warm up, start slowly and effort to train regularly!
Other "bobo" very characteristic in karate, bulbs. These are serum-filled blisters. These wounds occur in places where the body is subjected to repeated rubbing. In karate, the feet are most often affected, especially during training style kumite well grown!
Treatment: Disinfect with an antiseptic solution. Then drill with a sterilized needle, do not remove the skin, protect it with a sterile dressing.
In a future article, I discuss the common injuries and ailments. You
now more confident now ...
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