By using psychology, can be transformed through some of his Jules vulgar trifles. By Alyne
1. For the hyper-relaxed : not much on chores "I would have done, but it out of my head! "
It determines the tasks that we really wanted, our spouse is allowed to run his way.
It does not pick up his things and it infuriates us? They are placed in a box
2. The retarded teen : when will it grow? "If I won the lottery ..." Let's use
his fun side and let him areas of madness.
He spends too much? With his agreement, is kicked out of his account his share of payments to an account that administers operations: it will spend what is left!
3. The workaholic : rarely at home 'I will arrive a little late. "
is organized to have a life of its own, an important social network.
We fix our limits, we refuse to take all responsibilities.
is asked to allow time for both of us, no cell phone!
4. The grumpy : never satisfied! "It's good, but it would be better with lemon."
Never turn the criticism against you if we judge it to be untrue.
was amplified his speech for him to show his tendency to criticize. It does
more attention, we try to change the subject.
5. The perfect little : emotions, it is not his forte! "He is surely a solution. You panic for nothing. "
It shows his tendency to remonstrate, and was told they did not need a father.
If children have also left their shoes lying around, there should be a signal that leads him to intervene rather than tell us to calm down.
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