I bind myself to the life I chose
Now my goal will no longer seek to please me but to please whom I choose
God's intention for marriage partners is that they are allies - close friends, lovers, warriors in the war against spiritual forces of evil. To fight, we have to draw strength, courage and the food very person who, as the deeper, supporting us and we accompanies the fight - our soul mate for life.
Marriage is more than just a convention to overcome loneliness or a practical arrangement to perpetuate the race. First and finally, marriage is a mirror of the relationship between the human and the divine. Each couple is called to represent God in his perfect relationship with himself - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - as well as in his relationship with his people.
Marriage has a dual purpose: to reveal the glory of God and enhance one's spouse. If I / take it as the wearer (is) the image of God and devote myself to the development of its beauty, its glory, so to achieve the glory of God.
Marriage becomes a great adventure, a discovery continues, both self-and spouse, a daily opportunity to broaden their horizons, learn something new in life, the man of God . That is why God says: "It is not good that man should be alone." Human beings need community, it needs a partner, a true encounter, he needs to understand others and feel understood by others.
It is the intention of God in establishing the marriage. Only man tramples and freezes. In the confrontation demanding marriage, he constantly has to overcome itself, evolve, grow. When marriage is reduced to an association, even peaceful, two alien beings to one another, it misses its target. They fail in their destiny of man and woman. Include the spouse renounce, abandon it to understand oneself, to grow, to flourish.
Marriage is a transplant: it takes good or evil (Hugo, Victor)
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