terms of time, this question is on the board discussions. Try to stay calm and open mind ... we each
For some, the kata is a pointless exercise. Gymnastics devoid of reality martial. For these people, the efficiency goes through the struggle and nothing else. Difficult to find arguments in the practice of catching some kata kumite champions who have little depth never a kata.
So these people, I refer them to other issues ... Their kata is properly executed? They analyze each technique to understand and live it fully? Do they bother to scrape up bunkai? And also, their sports kumite is it effective in cases of aggression?
A competitor may be shaped like a karateka in the proper sense of the word? I do not think so, simply because the competition already removed all the techniques known as "dangerous", so effective for me here ... Beh, I put all the competitors back ...
Most of the time in martial arts, the enemy is itself. Being able to control yourself before mastering an opponent. And here we return to kata kata as we have with ourselves. This is the key and the richness of the kata. This is not about being perfect in aesthetics and stereotypical gestures or whatnot ... Run a kata that is causing yourself ... it gain speed in the movement where the needed is to win power at specific times, is to take risks to become unbalanced sometimes but with the spirit of a true warrior. A kata is that ... The competitors also often tend to forget ...
Fortunately, for others, the kata is a combat exercise in itself, where mysteries and discoveries are fueling a complete life.
When you practice a kata, it raises many questions. Why this and why? By dint of practice in this spirit we finally find real answers, not medals
... There is no bunkai 'type' in ten lessons for each kata. AC is also the strength of Shotokan. The same technique can be used on various occasions with different purposes.
The true karateka does not stop at the fruit rind. He dissects and sucks up its core.
So what is a kata? To guide us through it all. The kata is a winding river and groundwater, for not watering, dig ...
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