Monday, August 30, 2010

Got A Pedicure Got An Infection Now What

body and spirit

Although I have previously discussed the theme in mind, I return today ' hui by involving the body. The body is easier to define the concept of mind. The body consists of organs that perform each function. Compared to the practice of karate, for example the skeleton and muscles enable locomotion, hence the importance a knowledge of the body to properly move in karate.

But it gets harder with the brain. It regulates, sorts, stores the information sent by our various senses. The processing of this information product simply our thoughts, feelings, emotions ... all form our minds. Here we go ... One of the goals of karate, is to harmonize body and mind.

Since the mind is closely dependent on smooth functioning of the brain, should be offered to him everything necessary for its full activity. A varied diet and is a good foundation. In addition, regular training at the dojo and instructors are not exempt from this rule, improves oxygenation of brain cells, so their effectiveness as well ... Let's add the necessary
lifestyle, which also passes by a good sleep and regular. We should avoid the consumption of any drug even innocuous who also goes by the overconsumption of coffee and other beverages that can be addictive ...

It remains for us to unite body and mind. Task is not as simple as it may seem. Because the technique is ineffective when the mind wanders. The karateka knows ... I often attend it during various sequences and combinations in kihon. The practitioner has a tendency to rush through the first steps because of its intellectual setting. Same in kata, when it is not enough memory, the mind seeks the gesture that will follow, and suddenly the act is running rough.
This requires that our minds are in constant contact with the action of the moment. It is the goal that the karateka should be set to achieve. Is the control of the mind. It
that all karateka should succeed to the beginning and end of training with the "Mokuso. It is not only stupidly close my eyes, but to achieve this goal.

Every workout, we must stimulate the mind, seeking the perfection of the gesture is a permanent and natural stimulant.

There are simple rules that each of us can apply to reach this point. During the execution of a kihon or kata, avoid deviation from the path that is traced. Stay focused, attentive, without indulging in any dream, at worst gossip!

can then translate this attitude into action in our daily life and work.
Do not tell you one a good karateka often excels in his professional and private life


Saturday, August 28, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Fill In A Cavity B

Legacy of the masters

The katas are at the heart of the history of karate. They are the legacy we bequeath the great masters. Each kata has a name. Names like Bassai, Empi, Jion, Sochin or were given their through the centuries. The names of the kata are often echoed their Chinese origin, either by their naturalistic poetry, the name of the master who has sent or when modified recently, with more Japanese references.

For various reasons, the creators of kata have not written a lot about their passion for martial arts and the concepts they wanted to go into creating them. A number of katas were lost in history, when a master could not find a suitable successor, he sometimes preferred to see his kata away with itself. It then remained only the name of kata whose contents remained unknown. Sometimes the transmission did not end completely when the master died, or the disciple simply abandoned his practice. Virtually no writing could not be found, because the transmission of knowledge of knowledge from teacher to student was done orally, over at the time few could read or write. Usually, a master had a student house (uchi-deshi) and an external student (Soto-Desch). The official successor was the Soto-Desch, yet it is not the holder of all the key knowledge contained in the kata of the Master. These secrets were held by the Uchi-Deshi, resulting in a loss of some lessons.

The very idea that you are conducting a technique that has been passed from master to student for 50 years and in some cases for 400 years, is fascinating and can bring humility. These exercises provide much more than sweat and fatigue karateka ...

Kata formed until the last war with conventional attacks, the only form of karate instruction, they contain transmitted by all techniques teachers and allocating time, the karateka can discover an important source of growth. Thus, some techniques of karate were developed in a particular context, such as tobi-geri (kick skipped) were used to unseat a Samurai ...


Friday, August 27, 2010

Cat House Isabella Soprano

Precept # 5 karate-do kata

Mind premium on technique

One day, the famous master sword Tsukahara Bokuden his son wanted to put to the test. For starters, he summoned Hikoshiro, the eldest of three. By opening the door of the elbow, it found it heavier than usual, and stroking the top of the door, found that there was filed in equilibrium, a heavy head restraint wood. He took off, then handed it came exactly as he had found.

Bokuden was then summoned his youngest son, Hikogoro. When he innocently pushed the door, the headrest fell but caught up in the air and handed it to him.

Bokuden did finally call Hikoroku, her youngest, the best, by far, the swordsmanship. The young man pushed the door and powerfully head restraint fell, hitting her chignon.
In a flash, he drew the short sword he carried in his belt and cut off the object before it touched the mat. In his three

son, Bokuden said, "is you, who will forward Hikoshiro our method of swordsmanship. You, Hikogoro, in causing you long, can also be you one day, your brother. As for you, Hikoroku, you certainly lead one day to ruin our school and attract opprobrium on your name. So I can not afford the luxury of keeping a person equally imprudent in my ranks. " With these words, he dissociated.

This is a story that perfectly illustrates the growing importance of mental on technical faculties.
The art of inner mental technique is more important than physical technique.
The heart and mind are more important than the technique ...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Razor Scooter 4 Year Old

A, what is it?

A kata, what is it? A
terms of time, this question is on the board discussions. Try to stay calm and open mind ... we each
For some, the kata is a pointless exercise. Gymnastics devoid of reality martial. For these people, the efficiency goes through the struggle and nothing else. Difficult to find arguments in the practice of catching some kata kumite champions who have little depth never a kata.
So these people, I refer them to other issues ... Their kata is properly executed? They analyze each technique to understand and live it fully? Do they bother to scrape up bunkai? And also, their sports kumite is it effective in cases of aggression?
A competitor may be shaped like a karateka in the proper sense of the word? I do not think so, simply because the competition already removed all the techniques known as "dangerous", so effective for me here ... Beh, I put all the competitors back ...

Most of the time in martial arts, the enemy is itself. Being able to control yourself before mastering an opponent. And here we return to kata kata as we have with ourselves. This is the key and the richness of the kata. This is not about being perfect in aesthetics and stereotypical gestures or whatnot ... Run a kata that is causing yourself ... it gain speed in the movement where the needed is to win power at specific times, is to take risks to become unbalanced sometimes but with the spirit of a true warrior. A kata is that ... The competitors also often tend to forget ...

Fortunately, for others, the kata is a combat exercise in itself, where mysteries and discoveries are fueling a complete life.

When you practice a kata, it raises many questions. Why this and why? By dint of practice in this spirit we finally find real answers, not medals
... There is no bunkai 'type' in ten lessons for each kata. AC is also the strength of Shotokan. The same technique can be used on various occasions with different purposes.
The true karateka does not stop at the fruit rind. He dissects and sucks up its core.
So what is a kata? To guide us through it all. The kata is a winding river and groundwater, for not watering, dig ...