This year, the Easter holidays took place under the sun Havre (no flight to Marrakech this time: memories, memories .... )
The children are relaxed, the father tinkered and gardens, the mother worked ...
It will just a few hours at the museum, to escape ...
While our peck of Coco went to the zoo with her best friend Cerza Stecy and we made our way to the Museum of Natural History to explore the world of bees. Fascinating!
hive alive captivated the children, like adults: 50 000 insects tirelessly working. It is a continual ballet of bees leaving and returning loaded legs pollen yellow, orange and green ...
We also had the joy of participating to taste different honeys honey lavender, chestnut, sunflower ... This after having tasted the pollen leaves a bad taste in my mouth ...
Despite early reluctance ... (as often), children were very excited about this visit of the Natural History Museum of Havre. We have never been disappointed!
way out, we headed to City Hall which housed a beautiful exhibition of an artist signing "solute" magnificent paintings of Le Havre in particular.
at the same time, "The galerne" exhibited some drawings of the same author.
Paintings and drawings I liked very much and I was happy to see them through his blog with his work:
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