SOME ARTISTS ... In Parc Monceau, of course!
Park which I can not resist quoting the famous door again due to Claude Nicolas Ledoux (1736-1806), although I have done many times:
Still that famous Sunday, January 16 (following the previous article !), the view was fabulous especially with this time at 100% sublime and temperatures verging on 14 ° C:
Just before turning to the three artists to justify my title, a few views on the vegetation of this park, already almost evocative of spring, the most amazing world, is not it?
As one of this enormous "leg of T-Rex" by about three meters (actually, the foot of an oak over 200 years!):
So here ... The first statue of one of these artists, relatively forgotten today:
Except one of his operas Faust appointed :
A French composer of the nineteenth century who, like me, loved that famous instrument , quoted in the sculpture:
the point he had even built a home in an apartment very close to the place of General Catroux unfortunately destroyed today (although a plaque with his name still appears at the same address):
In this case, the formerly famous Charles Gounod (1818-1893):
Well, go, goodbye to him (which I've never raved, lol !)...
To suddenly discover that the other composer, not French (although he spent most of his life among us), but rather ethnic Poles:
Will you guess who it is? But yes, of course, yes, I suppose, especially since they have not stopped talking about him in 2010, just to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth year:
Another question in passing: there is a bonus "hénaurme" defect in this aberrant act, but Perhaps the only real pianists will they discover?
Even more clearly
No, still no idea?
Nevermind, in this case ... Since this did not prevent him from knowing a bunch of girls, like this sculpture suggests a very "pious"
Anyway, Mr Frederick Chopin (yes, he was born in 1810 and sadly died in 1849) has not had to put his feet Hell, as seems to indicate the top absolutely "heavenly" This statue
Third and final sculpture, certainly more difficult to identify:
With any like that of Charles Gounod the same look a little bit "arrogant"
But at the same time, like that of Chopin , a young girl lying in a " devotion "to his feet
Otherwise for me being extremely "fetish" on this side (as everyone surely knows, thanks to my other blog ), I hate this kind of shoes with heels that are too small, lol!
Come on, here's the solution:
course, rather difficult to read ... So I said, it was the famous novelist Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893), died almost crazy and after several suicide attempts at the age of 43 years (the poor)!
And now: I finished the lap of the three statues that interested me (although there is much more than this)! After that, finishing my walk past the very famous and very beautiful Naumachie , I am of course fell in front of my pets:
Much Part of the gulls, but also ducks:
In summary ... If I have "reincarnated" one of these four, as triple air sign, provided it is in one of these forms - and even if you have a choice as Aigle mountain, if possible!
ultimate image of the famous park:
I loved this Sunday, so everything was sublime: the weather, temperature, sunlight, the almost total lack of movement, etc. ... Strongly that all this comes back soon, lol!
Remember, four previous articles about the same place:
1) Parc Monceau, in summer 2007
2) Parc Monceau in winter 2009
3) Parc Monceau, in summer 2009
4) Parc Monceau, in spring 2010
you soon!